Geotechnical & Environmental
- On and offshore soil investigations
- Foundation advice.
- Pile foundations, subgrade foundations, sheet piles, drainage & dewatering.
- Borehole and CPT(u)
- Standard Penetration Tests
- Dynamic Penetration Tests
- Underwater coredrilling
- Vibrocoring
- Soil, rock, sediment and groundwater sampling & testing
- Well drilling and pumptesting
- Electrical Resistance Tomography
- To locate and map potential subsoil cavities;
- To locate bedrock horizon;
- Determine properties of groundwater.
- Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves
- Seismic classification;
- To locate bedrock horizon;
- Stiffness estimates.
- Ground Penetrating Radar
- To locate and map potential subsoil cavities;
- Concrete reinforcement analyses;
- Archeological uses.
- Seismic Refraction
- Determine subsoil layering;
- To locate bedrock horizon.
Environmental and surveys
- Environmental drilling
- Rotary, hollow-stem auger, direct push
- Monitoring wells installation, well development, groundwater sampling
- Soil-gas investigation
- On site soil-gas measurement with PID or mobile GC
- Visual inspection and historical desk study
- Coordination sanitation and remediation consult
- Topographical and Bathymetrical surveys
- Design & engineering foundations
- Shallow piling
- Micro piling
- Rock and grout anchors
Geotron operates throughout the Caribbean, Central and South America.
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St. Martin: ROB New Projects / USONA